詳情內容 本人現為一名乒乓球教練,已有超過十多年教球及多年比賽經驗.在香港中學時曾擔任乒乓球部主席及校隊成員;在澳洲大學時,則擔任大學女子乒乓校隊技術指導,男子隊比賽指導,和代表大學出戰澳洲東部及全國大學比賽,亦曾跟隨前國家隊及省隊接受正規訓練. 回流香港時,曾幫助一些公司設計乒乓球課程給予員工認識此類運動,亦在乒乓球館及不同學校擔任教練負責教授中小學生乒乓球必要技術,而在大人方面

Linen service:Towels and linens are deaned and changed twice a week

C物業地產 / 服務式住宅Causeway Bay Studio Apartment

The landscaped garden offers a relaxing lifestyle, peace and tranquility of green living.

盈采華庭位於紅磡寶其利街123號,為一座樓高30多層的服務式大廈住宅。全幢共提供92個住宅單位, 呎數700至900餘平方呎。間隔四正實用,三房兩廳,配備主人套房。 每戶裝設大窗,光線充足,享開揚景觀,適合長期或短期之住客。 盈采華庭座落九龍核心區域,緊貼紅磡交通樞紐,海底隊道及九龍紅磡車站,瞬間直達香港各區。

Prior to creating Urban Cube, I worked as a business consultant traveling all over the globe; living in short term apartments and hotels.
U物業地產 / 服務式住宅Urban Cube Hong Kong Serviced Studios

We are a Hong Kong real estate agency that specializes in Residential and Commercial properties, let us guide you through the whole renting and buying process

 Cityray founded in 1987, is an IT company which specialized in development of human resources management system. In the past twenty years, Cityray committed in developing and researching different se

教授Excel進階技能 及 函數應用/ Excel VBA程式編寫服務,簡單易用/ Tailor-made lesson, straight to the point, level up in short period of time/ Strong VBA application development experience in various industries.

無論你是男或女,如何雜亂的眉,來到我們的小店修眉都會令你開心滿意地離開.Whether you are male or female, how messy the eyebrow, after eyebrow shaping will make you happy to visit our shop http://www.facebook.com/pages/BARELY-BEAUTY/21402
g美容 / 男士美容gabykwok

Techno Harley-Davidson of Hong Kong was established in 1995. During these 16 years we have changed in many ways, keeping up with your needs and trying our very best to serve you.
T汽車及電單車 / 汽車影音Techno Harley-Davidson

Design Programmes: Fashion Design, Fashion Marketing, Graphic Design, Multimedia Design, Interior Design.
M設計 / 教學進修Marketing Dept

Oldham, Li & Nie is a highly successful mid-sized law firm, whose commitment is to professional excellence and to tailoring its legal services to the needs of both corporate and private clients.
o商業 / 法律事務oldhamlinie

Jaguar OEM wheels & tyres set x 4. 4 x Dunlop 205/55/R16 (90% New.) Only done +-5000km. Plus 4 x brand new centre wheel caps as gift with the set.

Our professional team is eager to provide creative yet practical ideas to make your dream come to reality.

We strive to provide the best service,innovative concept and unique design to our valued customers.

化妝枱時租60蚊一小時, 最少三小時起, 700月租化妝枱 歡迎包場,練妝,教學, set頭,任君選擇 Freelance Makeup Artist 化妝師創業尖沙咀700, 800, 1000月租化妝枱, 練妝好去處,我們並設有私人儲物櫃讓化妝師不需要每次攜帶太多用具。地点位於尖沙咀,交通便利,只需數分鐘到達地鐵和西鐵,樓下巴士站和鄰近巴士總站。並設有私人儲物櫃,Wifi,背景纸,緍纱,

提供上門及私家studio一對一教學 現就讀香港浸會大學音樂系,主修法國號 考獲英國皇家音樂學院ABRSM 8級法國號證書以及 英國皇家音樂學院ABRSM 8級樂理證書 於多間中小學及琴行任教法國號、樂理、擔任指揮,具有多年教學經驗、獨奏及樂團演奏經驗, 教學著重基本功 教授初級至八級法國號及初級樂理,更可依進度安排參與私人管樂團排練及演出 歡迎電郵或來電查詢
h音樂 / 教學進修henryliu97

Mongkok Central area - 2/3/4 ppl New Private Office Rooms w/ large window and Good View, Dedicated Desk, Conference Rm, 2 mins walk from Mongkok MTR station
y商業 / 商業優惠ybizlink
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